$ 40.00 per search
Quantity:Reverse Phone Number Search
Get the name and address that a landline or cellular phone number is associated with.
What’s a reverse phone number lookup?
It’s a way to find out the name and address linked to a landline phone number. For cell phone numbers, you can usually get the subscriber’s name and billing address.
Can you do a reverse phone lookup on any number?
We can find info for most 10-digit landline and cell phone numbers in the U.S.
When it comes to pre-paid cell phone lookups, names and addresses might not always be available. It really depends on whether the phone owner registered their info. So, for pre-paid numbers, we can usually provide either the subscriber’s name or address, based on what’s registered with the carrier when the service was set up. If both are available, we’ll share that too.
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) numbers are more difficult to reverse and are charged at a different rate.
Other websites are promising to do a reverse phone lookup with “instant results”. Can you offer that, too?
There is no such thing as an “instant result” to obtain current records.
If you happen to need info on a phone number that’s in the white pages, you can easily find the name and address. But here’s the catch: a lot of those “instant results” sites only tap into the white pages, and that might not help you at all. With more landlines and all cell numbers going unlisted, those sites could leave you hanging.
The good news is that when you team up with us, you’re getting the expertise of licensed private investigators. We have access to info that most folks can’t get, including details that those quick-result sites lack. We’ve got connections with major phone carriers and exclusive sources typically used by law enforcement, so we can often track down billing records. Plus, we only charge you if we find results.
If we cannot secure a name and address for your phone number search, we will refund your entire $40 search fee.
Is each one of your reverse phone number searches done by hand?
Yes! For every order that receive, all of the searching is done by hand, by our licensed private investigators.
Name & address associated with any cellular or land-line phone number
Area code and phone number
Helpful: Subscriber's name

Reverse Phone Number Search Rated 4.84 out of 5 based on 13 ratings and 13 customer reviews.The reviews provided below were submitted by actual Docusearch clients who have purchased this search and have expressed their opinion.
Reverse Phone Number Search Reviews:
“find Telephone number”
Very satisfied with the service I am a private detective and the service is excellent
“Very accurate!”
I recommended this site hundred percent if you want to make a good investigation.
Not really what I was expecting, but the VIOP is always sketchy anyway.
I was hesitant to pay a little more but figured if I was gonna do it, it's best to not be in vain. Worked perfectly and very pleased!
“Reverse Cell Phone”
I had been looking for the name of this person continually texting my wife and in less than 24 hours I had the name and address for this person.
Posted by Docusearch on October 24th, 2024
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